Saturday, November 6, 2010

World Peace!

World peace, as we see it, is freedom, end of wars and happiness amongst all nations or people of this world. World peace is an ideal imagination of non-violence and everyone getting along with one another, yet world peace is also joy, love and happiness.

"Peace." This word alone carries so much joy and meaning, yet is almost impossible to attain. Peace to me is working together to live a better life. It means the end of wars, the end of poverty and so much more that is destroyed by the lack of world peace. If man kind could lend a hand in the hardest of times, even  with the most minor events or situations, the world would become a much better place.

Peace is about love for one another, as well as love for ones self and the world we live in today. Peace is all about working together, to make the world a better place. The first step to peace is by feeding the hungry and not turning the other cheek, it's about helping those affected by war, poverty and diseases. Lending a helping hand not only creates a better world, it also creates a better you! If we take the time to separate ourselves from our every day routines, and take the time to share and care for those around us, we would be able to hear the desperate cries of not only adults, but of children as well.

Some say that peace is unattainable, yet i believe that if people could take a moment to put their differences aside, the differences that they believe are relevant such as race, size, nationality, etc, and realize that we are all human beings, living in the same world, a world that unites us as individuals, a world where we all took your first steps, shared our first laughs, shared tears and also fell in love. That is the world we are now destroying, only because we believe that others are unworthy of love and attention. If we all believed, and took the first few steps towards achieving world peace, I believe we can make it, For nothing is impossible if we only try!

We Can Make It If We Stand Together!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Caring For Others, Or Turning into Animals?

Dubai: Adam Pollack — a prominent sportsman and a member of Dubai Roadsters cycling club — died due to injuries he sustained after his bicycle collided with a motorcycle on October 15.
The motorcyclist also died in the tragic accident.
The 44-year-old father of four was a keen sportsman. Wolfgang Hohmann, owner of Wolfi's Bike Shop and also a member of the cycling club, told Gulf News that Pollack was very excited about the sport.
"He had been very sporty in the past and wanted to get back into sport. He was a regular and rode with us in Dubai. There were also rides in Hatta that he would go out to," he said.
Hohmann said Pollack bought his bike from his shop and that a friend had introduced him to the sport. "People should be aware and look out for each other. Be careful, be aware, because your life can end at any second. Two men lost their lives on that day. We need to learn from this... we have to be careful. It's a very sad story," Hohmann said.

Isn't it funny how people these days aren't considerate of those around them?
Nowadays, people fail to acknowledge the fact that the world does not revolve around them. They should take caution in their actions.

It is well known that motorcyclists do not take note in the way they ride their motorcycles, which increases the risk of other peoples lives in danger. this is what happened to Adam Pollack. Both the motorcyclist and Adam Pollack would still be alive today, if bikers were more careful.
Today we live in a world where it's all about appearance and where other people's opinions matter. Where stunts on the road are considered "cool", ignorant of the fact that there are others around them that have friends and loved ones.

We should not be selfish with our actions, and risk other peoples' lives, we, as human beings, should look after one another, because if we don't, who will? We'd then all be better off called animals, and someone's life being taken should not be the point where we realise this.

Life's not all about us, therefore lets consider and care for others around us.